Let's start off with the end. Pooped. This had a one-day delay because, as I warned you in the beginning, I was just too pooped out to write last night, so, tonight is the make up post. Here it is.......
First order of business after breakfast was to call Big Sky Harley to check on Big Red. Service manager answered and said all is good, come and get it. I took the loaner to gas up, got to the dealer and there was Big Red, all washed and looking shiny and good. Unable to do the sprocket dampers as they didn't have the parts, so it's on the list and will do next time. Exchanged bikes and paid the bill, then headed to the hotel to pack and get ready. By now it's noon and the border is merely a destination somewhere in the distance and somewhere in the future for now.
After bidding Big Sky a farewell, we left Great Falls, Montana and headed north. The day started off hot and got a little cooler as we made it above the jet stream. Before we knew it, we were at the border crossing from Seagrass, Montana into Canada. Now it's about 3PM. We stop in line and get out the passports. I pull up first, shut off the engine and hand the border agent my passport.
Take off the helmet the border agent says. The questioning begins. What's you name, Where do you live? Who is your friend? Where does he live?, how do you know him? All routine I suppose. A few more questions and then I 'm on my way..................or so I thought.
My passport gets confiscated and I'm told to pull over to the left and see the traveler. See the traveler? What the heck is that? So, I take off my helmet and gloves. Park the bike, get off and look around. Before I know it, here come the dogs. Sniff, sniff. Border agents all over my stuff like flies on honey. The I'm asked to "follow me". Led by 4 agents, I'm taken into a room with a metal chair, metal desk, bright lights, and a 2-way mirror on the wall. Now I think I must be in a movie. I've seen this scene before. Here I sit for what seemed like hours, knowing all the time I'm being observed by who knows who. Where's Ed? For all I know, he's in another room doing the same thing.
The door finally opens and in comes 2 agents. By now I'm puzzled, sweating, looking guilty. Did they find contraband on the bike, did they seize my prescription drugs? Did I smoke all of the medical marijuana? ( just kidding). What do they want? First comes this big RCMP agent who even looks like Dudley Dowright, over to the chair opposite me. A female agent guards the door. WTF? And he says " what's your name? where do you live, who are you traveling with? What is his name, how do you know him?, where does he live? I'm thinking, we just played this game and all of the answers are the same. Now I'm really sweating, thinking of a cell, overnight on a concrete slab, deported, banned, whatever. Before I knew what was going on, it was silent. Dudley took my passport out of his pocket and said, " here you can go. Enjoy your stay in Canada, eh."
Now, here's what really happened..............................
You'll have to wait until I get home to hear that one. There was some suspicious behavior at the border. I'll explain over a few beers. It'll probably sound better when I tell it then.
Destination, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Rode for 3 hours and came upon the first big town in this big country - Lethbridge. Nice enough place, looks like it would be nice to live here, if you like the long cold winters. So we rode through town and found a spot to unwind and grab a bite to eat. A place called Street and Main. It's a chain Pub, Restaurant. Nice décor, microbrews, good food. Once finished, onward north.
Arrived in Calgary near dark. weren't any options between Lethbridge and Calgary and got a room. Wouldn't you know it. There's a convention in town.. Nice pleasant restful night.......
the adventure begins when things don't go according to plans. Brian