Friday, June 12, 2015

Mile 0, Wet, Cold - Day 16

The day started out just as the weather station had predicted it would - wet and 8 C (about 48 F). We loaded in the rain, went to take a commemorative pic in the rain and rode west in the rain. Not a pretty picture.

Before leaving town, we gassed up and took a few pics to document the beginning of the Alaska Highway part of the trip. Now, you may say, it's just the Alaska highway, how long can it be?  But we are still about 4 days from the Alaska border. Weather ultimate determines our schedule at this point as we are now on Mother Natures' schedule now. Everyone we ask tells us the weather changes all the time. Could be sunny around the bend or it could be snowing.

Let me try to explain what it's like, though you really can't get the real effect unless you experience it. We start out wet and as we get a ways down the road, the skies start looking blustery, like a winter snowstorm is just around the corner. The temp starts to drop and bottoms out at 43 F. Doesn't sound so cold, but when you're wet and have a 60-70 mph wind chill plus the wind has been blowing strong  all day. Even the locals say it's unusually strong. When a truck goes by, you get hit with a wall of spray and wind......Ah, just what we needed right about now.

Your gloves get wet, your face shield starts to fog up, the chill hits your bones. You can't just wipe things off, you need to stop and clear the shield so you can see well. Fingers feel numb, and we're not even to the cold part of the trip!

Now, if you're in a car, you crank up the heat and defroster, put on the windshield wipers, and don't think much of it as it's normal in the rain - not a Florida Rain, but a steady rain. And cold, but that isn't an issue when you're in a car, especially in Florida. Ah, Florida, I'm missing the hot Florida sun right about now.......

Here's a pic along the road you don't usually see n the US - Moose Warnings! Haven't seen any and hope not to.

We're on the road for about 3 hours and chilled to the bone, or so we thought. We stop for gas at a place along the road called the Buffalo Inn. It's kind of a truck stop, motel, cafe, gas station. Getting gas here was an experience. There's a trailer with a door near the center and several gas hoses spaced equally apart along the outside wall. Now, to get gas from the hose you need a college degree, or to have at least been born in this part of the world. You go into the door and there's a panel on the wall with about a dozen procedures and steps that tells you how to get gas. You need to first take a gas pumping safety course, get a pin number, certify you understand all of the instructions, warnings, pricing, sale limit, etc. Then you get to pump your almost $6.00 per gallon regular gas - no premium. Finished pumping, go back to the room, put your card in again for the 12th time and get a receipt. Now, you've got to gas up when you see it as it may be 50, 60 or a hundred moles to the next gas.

We also got a cup of hot coffee to warm our hands and insides. Then moved on. Another 2 hours or so.

We get to Fort nelson, about 283 miles from the start and find an open restaurant. It's lunch time - after 2PM, we enter, sit down and get ready to place an order, and pow, the transformer outside feeding the kitchen blows a fuse with a big bang. No more food. Fortunately they had hot coffee and the crab soup was still hot, so we settled for that. Both of us sat there shivering and after a comment from 2 old-timers outside - "Where you boys headed on those motorbikes? Not north I hope, it may snow up in the mountains.... Hope you have another coat......

Well, the next town is at least 3 hours away and it's 3PM already. No need to convince us that this was a good time to stop in Fort Nelson for the night Watson Lake is our next destination - 8 hours away. And guess what? Rain predicted for all day tomorrow! After that, 70's and sunny. Would be a nice change.

Met one of the guys from Dawson Creek staying at the motel right next to ours. Chuck and his wife took the same route and will probably meet us at Watson Lake tomorrow as well.

A look at the bike after a day of riding in this beautiful British Columbia countryside.

Bed Time ................

1 comment:

  1. Yikes - hope you get some warmer weather soon. Love the pictures though, keep them coming! :)
